I’d love for you to re-read the last paragraph on page 28 that ends on page 29, starting with “There are, Irene has always felt, few frustrations to match that of being read a certain way by family members.” What do you think about Irene’s annoyance with her sisters? Have you ever been unfairly boxed in by people who’ve known you the longest? What do you wish those closest to you would understand about the person you are now? Is there anyone you still judge by how they behaved when they were children? Why do you think it’s so hard, especially with siblings and family, to let go of old assumptions?
I also have some books to share with you all, first come first serve. Some of these books are galleys, some hardcovers, some paperbacks! It will be a surprise! If you want ONE, please e-mail me the title you want and your mailing address. When the books are gone, I will cross them out which you will be able to track by visiting web version of this post. The volume of responses these giveaways engender is such that I cannot respond to everyone. If you receive a book in the mail in the next couple weeks, well, then you know! This giveaway is open to US Residents Only.