I appreciate the backstory of the book and that you shouted out the people who worked on it. I liked the old cover but love how bright and bold the new one is.

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Second this.

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Congratulations on your anniversary! Bad Feminist was the first of your books that I read and I have been a fan ever since. Please keep doing what you do so well.

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Yes, congratulations on the 10th anniversary. I distinctly remember reading Bad Feminist (from the library!) and just being in awe. 10 years later I can afford to buy it, so I think I will.

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Congratulations! I love your writing and I love that book.

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Bad Feminist has been a hug influence on me. I always appreciate your perspective on writing, and I brightened a bit reading this particular origin story. Thank you so much for sharing it.

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Reading Bad Feminist truly was a turning point in my life. It opened my curiosity to read feminist theory which radicalized me in all the best ways. Thank you.

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Congratulations! And wow, so this is what ten years feels like. I am proud to be an early and ongoing reader of yours. Thank you for shouting into the wind until someone heard you.

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"Bad Feminist" was so influential on my writing. I wrote a response essay to it (which I never published) as soon as I finished reading it, which I called Another Bad Feminist. Until that collection, I had encountered very little feminist writing that wasn't overly academic. That collection opened up my world for feminist writing and thinkers and people to connect with and follow. So thank you.

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Such a delight to read about the community that comes together to bring a book into the world. Thank you!

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How to be heard…acknowledgment and gratitude! Both of which you so eloquently executed when you wrote, “There were also many other hands that touched this book, that touch all the books you read and enjoy. Writing is a solitary endeavor but publishing is not.” Keep pushing paper boats out into the water. They are a lifeline!

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Massive congratulations on this anniversary!!

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