The owl pellets that aren't owl pellets, throughout the book.

Or towards the end, when the Jo has to shoot the Nadine/coyote/Cuckoo hybrid.

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There were too many gross out moments to count! I’m still trying to figure out who the heck the Laura character was in the first half of the book and I’m terrified I’ll have to go back through the house of horrors in the first half of the book to figure it out

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My gross out moments were the 3 different times oral sex and period blood mentioned. Pulling a tampon out with teeth? WHAT and why

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I hate that it might certify me as provincial but one of these such scenes is my top “visceral” moment from the book. That said, I love this book and this author. And that’s BECAUSE OF the gory gross horror, not despite of it. Stephen King was the first author who absolutely consumed me as a teenager. It’s wonderful to experience that immersion again. It’s been a year of me obsessively ruminating over bothersome things I have zero ability to control—this is not constructive or restful—and Cuckoo is a rare book that could pull me away. I hope I can find other gross horror books that are as creative and inclusive and as liberatory as Cuckoo.

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