I should be reading this book because I need more enthusiasm in the kitchen...I'm downright bored to tears with daily cooking, so speaking of tears, i had eye surgery last week and reading is very challenging for me, so I'm not reading much or spending time on screens. I'm restless, but I go for long walk and try to catch up with friends by phone. Imagine that! LOL!!!

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The toothbrush story... 😱 My uncle's family shared a tube of ChapStick that my aunt carried in her pocket, and that became a cherished horror story among my relatives, but open season on toothbrushes is a whole other situation.

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Roxane, I don’t know where else to put this but I just got charged for an auto renewal when I switched to a free subscription month and months ago. Can you please help sort this out? I’ve gotten one from a number of different sub stack newsletters, and it sounds like the problem is with substract. Thank you!

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Welp, that SLAPP lawsuit may in fact unseat the Omegaverse lawsuit for using the legal system for absolutely frivolous nonsense. I look forward to a video essay on it when it comes out in the wash.

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