I love everything you've ever written, but it's a bummer when folks who haven't parented critique parenting. I don't use low demand parenting myself, but I have several friends with neurodivergent kids for whom it works, and it doesn't necessarily bother others around them (and in fact, when not used, others are much MORE bothered by the child's behavior). I wanted to offer that perspective to complement the article.

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Agree 100%. This is a strategy many parents of ND kids (myself included) are starting to use and absolutely does not make anyone else who we "share the world" with worse off, more annoyed, or burdened in any way. It's essentially a co-regulation technique.

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I disagree. While there are times where I definitely chose my battles with my kids, it is important (to me) that they do not hurt or severely inconvenience others. Meltdowns happen and I think most people accept that (and if they don’t, that’s on them), but if someone’s child smacks me or upends an entire shelf of groceries, that’s not (again, to me) respecting other people’s right to enjoy *their* lives. My kids are important, but not more important than anyone else and I would like to prepare them for a world where they are mindful of others.

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What about low demand parenting makes you think it included letting kids smack strangers? It’s about keeping kids regulated enough that they DONT do things like that. Are your kids ND?

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Flip the ticket. Harris-Biden. Not perfect, but seems way more reasonable and win-able.

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That poster ROCKS!

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AWESOME poster... thanks!

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