This fall I am starting a masters degree program at 57! Anxious and excited. Excited to wear sweatshirts again😂 Summer just flew by

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Wow! That’s amazing! What subject/field are you studying?

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Going back to become a therapist!

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I went back to school in my late 40s. You can do this!!

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Best of luck. We need great therapists.

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Good for you, Renée. I wish you much success.

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I went back last year at 49. It was awesome and hard in all the ways you think and SO rewarding! You soak in and enjoy every minute in those sweatshirts!!! ;)

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What did you study?

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I have one year left(!!) in a Masters of Ed-Human Sexuality Studies program.

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I retired at the end of April and after having written several academic books during my career, this fall I’m looking forward to writing my first novel!

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Congratulations. That’s an amazing milestone. Best of luck with the novel.

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Thank you so much! The working title of my novel is “Dead Chihuahuas”

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Looking forward to reading "Dead Chihuahuas!

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Awesome! Go for it. I wrote my first one last year at a mature age. LOL!!

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Congrats on your retirement! Good luck on your novel <3

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It’s the last summer of my twenties!! I turn 30 in November.

Naturally I felt a lot of pressure to meet this summer with a lot of activity. However, after an incredibly hectic June that included THREE trips in 3 weeks & a move, I made the choice to slow down the rest of the summer.

I’ve spent most of July and August working 20 hrs/ week, cooking at home more, watching tv, and taking naps. And honestly that feels more like a gift to my thirty year old body than the flurry of activity I had originally envisioned for the last summer of my 20’s.

This fall I have one more trip planned. And I intend to put in more work hours growing my business…but I feel so refreshed because of my summer pause. Didn’t realize how much I needed that!

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An early welcome to the best decade! I have never felt more myself than I have during my 30s. Enjoy the rest of this easy summer and good luck with your business!

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Thank you so much 🥰🥰

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Self-care is smart and serves us well. You're starting your 30's with the right attitude.

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“A nice well earned number” is a very reassuring and refreshing take on getting older. I consider it to be a privilege.

I am trying to savor the days with my 15 and 13 year old. I am part of their summers for just a few more years.

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This summer has seen some lows (my dad is ill, currently in cardiac ICU, waiting on an aortic valve replacement, he is doing as well as he can be, but it has been A Time, especially given the difficulty of our relationship, my friend's mother died and geography and finances made it impossible for me to show up in person for them, my mental health has been less than great) and some highs (in person hangs with internet friends, marching in the big pride parade, growing amazing tomatoes and beautiful flowers, celebrating eighteen years together with my primary partner, watching my nephew go from rolling over to crawling to wanting to get up and run, publishing another anthology with the queer press).

This fall, I'm looking forward to spending my 37th birthday in the company of excellent friends in Montreal, and planning for next year's vegetable garden. I'm also hoping to recommit to my writing; I've let it slide during all the trials of the first half of this year. I want to complete and publish one of the three personal essays I've been working on, as well as finish a queer romance novella for the indie press I help run. Lofty goals, but achievable!

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That’s a lot going on, much of it difficult but I am glad there are some wonderful things to balance the challenges.

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"Lofty goals, but achievable!" YOU GOT THIS!

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My high was getting two great job offers after getting laid off last year and grabbing the first job I could find. It was so empowering to be able to make a decision about which was the best fit and not feeling like I had to take the first offer I got. I also negotiated a sign on bonus, and I'm proud of myself for getting what I'm worth.

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That is a high! Congratulations on both the offers and negotiating for yourself.

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Good luck, Katie, but I have a feeling you won't need it! You know your worth!!

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

I have to say this is the oddest summer I think I've ever had and I just turned 72. Tried to meet my first grandson for the first time who lives 3000 miles away and ended up in the hospital for five days. When I checked out I was minus a gall bladder. Thank god for smart phones and my amazing son who sends me photos and videos on a regular basis.

Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to starting my senior year at NYU (BA, Creative Writing) and have ordered my books and a new NYU long sleeve t-shirt to welcome the school year. Can't wait!!

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Increasingly summer feels aggressive in its heat and humidity, which means that I don’t spend nearly as much time outside as I want to. This year it felt like a missed season, with me scurrying between air conditioned spaces. I dream of easy breezy summer days where I eat ripe tomatoes and peaches and jump into water for a swim when I start to sweat. This week I’m on vacation at a favourite spot on a lake with our best friends and am finally enjoying what summer has to offer, albeit the days are cooler than we would like. She’s a wily one, summer is.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 23

Beaming in from Edinburgh, one week into a much-needed 2-week vacation. Currently enjoying the Fringe Festival, thus far a high point! Other high points were being outside generally (makes the PNW winters worth it), and enjoying afternoons at our neighborhood / city outdoor pool. Summer is absolutely my season and the last days are always so hard for me.

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I ended up at the Fringe Festival sort of accidentally years ago and wow, it is incredible!! Hope it was incredible for you! (and feel ya on the pnw winters!)

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Dammn I wish you’d take a vacation because one of my favorite pieces of yours ever was the stream of consciousness about your summer a few years ago.

Summer for us was prepping, donating and packing…retirement starts now and now everyday in “summer” ….the journey starts in Marseille and heads towards Greece with no timeline or commitment (apart from voting) to speak of….

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I am going on vacation in October—Spain, Portugal, and Morocco! Also earlier this summer we went to Mexico City. I should write about that.

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If you're going to Marrakesh, visit the only hotel in Morocco owned by a Black woman—Jnane Tamsna. Even if it's just for a day trip to lounge by the pool, or for dinner. Meryanne's home and family history are both incredible.

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In case you need any recommendations in Lisbon, Portugal, let me know Roxane! ;) I’ve been living in Lisbon for 3 years and one of my favorite hobbies is eating out. :D

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Have fun! Portugal is on my list.

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Oh exciting! That's a part of France I've always wanted to visit. I hope you have a marvelous time!

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Welcome to the 50s! This summer, this whole year, has gone by so fast. This summer I initiated a routine of walking most days of the week. It's the most consistent I've ever been. I am not sure what clicked..finally. It's probably because I followed a 'small changes count' mantra, which I started experimenting with these past few years. I keep it simple and just focus on what I can manage today. It's working and that's all that matters. Next on the small changes count experiment is devoting time to creative interests. Happy Summer and many blessings to everyone!

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I am joyfully looking forward to my residency at the Dairy Hollow Writers' Colony in just two weeks! I'm filling these last days of summer with preparations for that residency, and the high point of my summer was winning the fellowship. One of the high points of my writing life, actually. Isn't it amazing how incredibly good it feels when others believe in your story? I'm sure I experienced some lows this summer, but I can't remember what they were.

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I quit a job that didn't provide me with the resources and benefits I needed, and I got my first short story published. More productive than I thought upon retrospect.

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I completed a significant art commission this summer, so I am using the last days to rest. That and to celebrate Pride, which happens in late August in my city. Many parties and BBQs and events to attend! It's nice to have celebratory energy around me now this stage of the project is done.

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Lows of the summer: three consecutive major surgeries in three weeks, two of them unplanned following complications from a mastectomy.

Highs of the summer: healing and being alive, loved, and here. By here I mean on holiday in Crete, which is awesome. At certain points I didn't think I would have a summer at all, so to be able to enjoy the last days of the summer on a Greek island makes me deliriously grateful.

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Cheers to continued healing and enjoy being in such a beautiful place!

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Thank you, Jackie! Enjoy your last days of summer ☺️

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Keep healing and enjoy your days wherever you happen to be.

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The summer has been hot, bright, and satisfying despite the recent cloudburst, which caused property damage that we're going to have to deal with. A fly in the ointment, though a big, buzzing one. It's been a good summer. We went to Malta and circumnavigated Sicily on a tall ship. We held an immense July 4 party. We just came back from the Glimmerglass Opera Festival, where we went with a group. There's a major BBQ after Labor Day, and the fall stuff begins in earnest. Plus, I've been writing like a fiend -- several columns (I'm behind on substack) and about five short stories, with more roughed out. It would be nice to hear positively from some editors but it's only been a few years since I started writing again, after a career that included about 30 books, 100 short stories, and a lot of nonfiction in addition to work on Wall Street. I am happy to be retired to only one job, the writing, but I really do feel like the science fictional equivalent of Rip Van Winkle. The industry has changed so much. Plus, we're watching the Democrats revive themselves, please God. I look forward to wearing my pussy hat to vote on November 5.

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That trip sounds amazing. I have so much love for Malta and Sicily.

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It was an incredible joy. So was sailing around the island with Aperol spritzers.

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